Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Accident Prediction

Joko Siswanto, Alfath Satria Negara Syaban, Hariani Hariani


The rapid development of AI shows its power and great development potential in practical engineering applications. Critical issues and potential solutions can reduce road traffic accidents and application of AI in road accident prediction. The published use of AI for road accident prediction is reviewed, presented, and represented as the main objective. The methods are collecting article data, quotations, presentation, and representation. The article data collection was obtained from 671 conference and journal articles in 2019-2023, but the suitability of articles that can be used is 69. Quotation produces a grouping of approaches, models, predictions, and benefits. The presentation showed that most approaches used were machine learning, the most used model was random forest, the prediction was mostly about severity, and the most benefit was about number reduction. Representation produces road accidents and related factors into factors in road accident predictions using artificial intelligence, so strategies and anticipation can be made to overcome them to improve road safety. AI in road accident prediction plays an important role in building predictive models with the hope that road accidents can be identified early, risk factors can be reduced, and effective preventive measures can be taken to improve road safety.


Artificial Intelligence; Prediction; Road Accident

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