Sistem Informasi Monitoring Wajib Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Berbasis Web
The implementation of collection of Land and Building Taxes, the village government has difficulties in monitoring taxpayer data, both those who have been paid and those that have not been paid, difficulties in finding data on how much total taxes owed must be deposited, total taxes owed that have been paid, and total taxes payable that have not been paid, as well as the village government cannot find out information regarding the data of taxpayers who have not paid PBB in previous years. Therefore, a computerized system is needed with the aim of designing a Web-based Land and Building Tax Monitoring Information System to facilitate village governments in monitoring taxpayer payment data. This study uses a qualitative research approach with a system development method, namely Prototype. The results of this study indicate that the Land and Building Tax Monitoring Information System can help in monitoring Land and Building Tax data for each taxpayer quickly and accurately, displaying the percentage of total taxes owed on the PBB report based on the hamlet head, making Land and Building Tax reports, tax payment delay reports and can assist the village government in making a certificate, where residents who want to take care of the letter will be served if the resident's Land and Building Tax has been paid off.
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