Perancangan Desain Kawasan Rekreasi di Sungai Bolango Guna Mengembangkan serta Memanfaatkan Potensi Wilayah

Dara Fitriani, Lydia Surijani Tatura, Vierta Ramlan Tallei, Asta Juliarman Hatta


The design of the recreation area on the Bolango River as a development of a trade and tourism area is an area design that is based on the various potentials and problems it has, such as the existence of regions bordering the waterfront area with multiple characters and uniqueness. This area is a potential area whose initial plan was only to be developed with residential functions, but it experienced several obstacles in the process. Therefore, by looking at the lack of public space around the area, in this case, the recreational area design is oriented as a Commercial Waterfront and Recreational Waterfront, which can provide benefits to various parties, namely investors, government and the community.

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