Harlin Harlin, Darlius Darlius, Elfahmi Dwi Kurniawan, Rudi Hermawan, Febriansyah Febriansyah


Vocational secondary education in Indonesia is developing continuously, the hope of vocational secondary education is to make graduates able to work, continue, or become entrepreneurs. However, it is still faced with many obstacles. YPS PRABUMULIH Vocational School as one of the private vocational schools in Prabumulih City continues to strive to improve the quality of education by developing learning facilities and infrastructure to achieve vocational education goals. One of them is by doing community service, this aims to provide training and guidance to productive teachers at YPS Prabumulih Vocational School as an effort to increase the ability of teachers to prepare for learning. The method used in this activity is to use the lecture, percentage and discussion methods boldly and continue with technical guidance in making media. The results obtained from this activity are (1) Participants can make learning media according to the needs of the activity. (2) participants can use the application used in making video tutorials and apply it in the mentioned learning media products. (3) The learning video products produced by all participants have met the criteria for learning media according to the mentors and presenters in this activity. Based on the results of the evaluation of teachers who took part in the training, they gained the knowledge and abilities of teachers in making learning videos. for each assessment indicator, the average evaluation is 2.5 and the percentage increase in knowledge and ability to make learning videos is 47%. This proves that training in making video learning media is very helpful for vocational school teachers.


Learning Video, Learning Media Training, Video Tutorial.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Harlin Harlin, Harlin Harlin, Darlius Darlius, Darlius Darlius, Elfahmi Dwi Kurniawan, Rudi Hermawan, Elfahmi Dwi Kurniawan, Febriansyah Febriansyah, Febriansyah Febriansyah

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