Author Guidelines
Author guidelines
Journal of Economic and Development Studies (JSEP) is a journal that aims to cover topics and issues in various sub-fields of economics and development studies in general and in particular in the context of new and developing economies. All manuscripts sent to JSEP editors are accepted in Indonesia. Make sure your paper is prepared using the JSEP paper template. Minimum 10 pages can be created (final edit)
1. General Guidelines
Articles are typed using Garamond letters; Articles are written with margins of top edge 4, left edge 4, right edge 3, bottom edge 3; Articles must include page
numbers in order, Articles that have been published have never been published/published in other media; The length of the article must be at least 10 pages and cannot exceed 18 pages; The citations in the article should be in sync with those in the bibliography; Articles included include the results of research, study and application of theory, literature, and practical writing of economic and development studies; Articles are submitted in softcopy form no later than 1 month before publication of the edition.
2. Systematics of Article Writing
The manuscript must contain at least the following material: title, author's name, affiliation and address, abstract in English, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, thanks (optional), references.
Title: Describe the main content of the text concisely and clearly maximum 14 words, written in English, 1 (one) space, title in bold. Full name of the author : Written in full (not abbreviated) and without title. Full author's address: The full name of the agency, the author's origin, and the city's official mailing address, zip code, and country and email address for correspondence.
Abstract: The abstract contains information about the research conducted and must stand alone, meaning that there are no citations from other people's findings in the abstract. The abstract should be concise, clear, and specific containing a review of the reasons for the study, research objectives, approach or method used, results and final conclusions. Abstracts are written in one paragraph, consist of 200 to 250 words and are written in English and Indonesian. Include keywords no more than 5 words and written alphabetically, keywords represent the content of the manuscript making it easier in the process of finding the manuscript. Font type and size for abstract Garamond 8pt.
Introduction: In preparing the introduction, the author explains the following: (1) the importance of the field of research studied, (2) explains specifically about
matters related to the research conducted that have been studied by other researchers as a basis for information, (3) explains the need for substitute research to fill existing research gaps, (4) explains the purpose of the study.
Method: Method describes the stages of research carried out in a structured manner to achieve research objectives. Research methods must provide complete information about various matters related to the research process carried out. The research method explains concisely and concisely about the research methods used including material and tool specifications, sampling techniques, measurement procedures, research designs, stages of work methods, parameters, and data analysis.
Results and Discussion: Results and discussions present the results obtained briefly and can be supported by illustrations in the form of tables, figures or
qualitative descriptions. Scientific findings obtained from the results of research conducted are described in this chapter but must be supported by adequate data. Explanation of findings in research should be supported by relevant literature. The author is expected to dare to assess the advantages and disadvantages of research results obtained by comparing research results with hypotheses, quality standards, and / or previous or similar research results through the inclusion and use of primary reference libraries in the discussion. The discussion must have a clear relationship with important issues contained in the Introduction, be able to fill gaps or gaps that must be answered in research and be able to answer the research objectives. The impact of the research conducted must also be explained at the end of the discussion.
Conclusion: The statement of conclusion should be done carefully and carefully. In conclusion, the author must and only answers the problems and research objectives that have been formulated in the Introduction, and not as a summary of the research results. Without a clear conclusion, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to assess the work, and whether or not it is worthy of publication in continuing.
Acknowledgments (optional): Include the names of agencies that have contributed to helping carry out research. Also, include the name of the research funding
References: References contain references to literature used in the manuscript and written in the format of surname and year published, sorted by the first letter of the first author's name. The literature used prioritizes primary references (journals and patents) that are relevant to the topic under study, maximum derived from references published in the last 10 years. Avoid excessive self-quotes. It is recommended to use Reference Manager Apps like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. All in- text citations must be included in the reference. Example of writing references (APA Style):
Tarisayi, KS (2018). Kepemimpinan tradisional dan Tokwe-Mukosi menyebabkan pemindahan: Menemukan mata rantai yang hilang. Jamba: Jurnal Kajian Risiko Bencana, 10(1),
Chigudu, D. (2015). Menilai Inisiatif Kebijakan tentang Kepemimpinan Tradisional untuk Mempromosikan Demokrasi Elektoral di Afrika Selatan. Jurnal Ilmu Sosial
Mediterania, 6(1S1), 120–126.
Podungge, R., Rahayu, M., Setiawan, M., Sudiro, A. (2020). Kompetensi Guru dan Prestasi Akademik Siswa. Bali, Indonesia: 23rd Asian Forum of Business Education
Articles in the Book:
Das, DM, Singh, R., Kumar, A., Mailapalli, DR, Mishra, A., & Chatterjee, C. (2016). Pendekatan ansambel multi-model untuk simulasi aliran sungai. Dalam Panigrahi, B. & Goyal, MR (Ed.), Metode dan Praktek Pemodelan dalam Rekayasa Tanah dan Air, 72-102. CRC Tekan.
DeVries, B. (2015). Pemantauan dinamika hutan tropis menggunakan deret waktu Landsat dan data berbasis komunitas. Ph.D. Skripsi, Laboratorium Ilmu Geoinformasi dan Penginderaan Jauh, Universitas Wageningen.
Dessler, Gery. (2002). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Sepuluh Edisi. Jilid Satu. Jakarta: PT. Indeks.
Survei Geologi Amerika Serikat (15 Oktober 2018). Aplikasi Sains untuk Pengurangan Risiko. Mengutip URL sumber Internet
Names and email addresses entered on this journal website will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or any other party.
This journal does not charge fees for article submission and publication
Editor's Address:
Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No.6 Gorontalo City