Penerapan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Dalam Mengidentifikasi Potensi Kelongsoran
The primary objective of this study was to enhance the community's understanding and awareness of landslide risks and mitigation strategies by employing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to identify landslide-prone areas in the Magetan District, East Java. The initiative unfolded in several stages, which included: (1) emphasizing the importance of mapping areas susceptible to landslides; (2) consolidating data through satellite image analysis and GIS; (3) developing GIS-based maps that depict landslide-prone areas; and (4) circulating these maps among the local community and governing bodies. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that a participatory approach, combined with advanced technologies such as GIS, can play a pivotal role in disaster mitigation. Early identification of landslide risks and appropriate mitigation strategies using GIS and community education can significantly enhance community preparedness and resilience to landslides. The potential applicability of this method to other regions with similar topographical and geological conditions underscores its relevance in improving community readiness and resilience against landslide disasters.
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