Daya Tetas Telur dan Sintasan Larva dari Hasil Penambahan Madu pada Bahan Pengencer Sperma Ikan Lele Sangkuriang (Clarias gariepinus)

Heni Duwente, Juliana Juliana, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin


This study aimed to determine the hatchability of eggs and larval survival from the addition of honey to the sperm diluent of Sangkuriang Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). This study used an experimental method with 4 treatments and 3 replications each. The test animals used were Sangkuriang catfish broodstock as many as 6 tails. Spawning that is done is artificial spawning by adding honey to the sperm diluent. The treatments used were 0 ml of honey in 100 ml of NaCl, 0.6 ml of honey in 99.40 ml of NaCl, 0.7 ml of honey in 99.30 NaCl and 0.8 ml of honey in 99.20 ml of NaCl used in the form of 12 aquariums. The results showed that a dose of 0.7 ml of honey at 99.30 ml of NaCl gave the best egg hatchability with an average value of 94.72%, a dose of 0.6 ml of honey at 99.40 NaCl gave an average value of egg hatchability. an average of 89.67%, a dose of 0 ml of honey at 100 ml of NaCl gave an egg hatchability with an average value of 72.47% and a dose of 0.8 ml of honey at 99.20 NaCl gave an egg hatchability with an average value of 62 ,45%. The survival rate of catfish larvae was 0.7 ml of honey 97.84%, 0.6 ml honey was 90.40%, 0 ml honey was 85.58% and 0.8 ml honey was 75.07%.


Sangkuriang catfish; Clarias gariepinus; wild bees honey


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