Study on Physical and Chemical Parameters of Lake Limboto for the Development of Aquaculture

Merti Djakaria, Hasim Hasim, Faisal Kasim


This study aims to determine the physical and chemical parameters for the development of aquaculture in
Limboto Lake, Gorontalo Regency. Data collection was carried out from March to December 2016. This study
used a quantitative descriptive method. Data collection was carried out three times at each station, namely,
Station I (Central Point), Station II (Eastern), Station III (North), Station IV (West) and Station V (South).
Measurement of physical and chemical parameters refers to water quality standards according to PP Law no.
82 of 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control. While determining the status of
water quality using the Pollution Index Method according to the Minister of Environment Decree 115/2003. The
results showed that the physico-chemical parameters in Lake Limboto that still support the development of
aquaculture are temperature, pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), total suspension solid (TSS), dissolved oxygen
(DO) and nitrate while the parameters that do not support the development of aquaculture fishery, namely
brightness, depth, chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Based on the
determination of the overall water quality status of Limboto Lake, including waters with lightly polluted conditions
with an average value of 2.28-4.71 mg/l


physical parameters; chemical parameters; Limboto Lake


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