Pengaruh Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Nelayan Terhadap Tingkat Pendidikan Anak Di Desa Pelehu Kecamatan Bilato Kabupaten Gorontalo

Sartin Kune, Lis M Yapanto, Arfiani Rizki Paramata


This study aims to determine the socio-economic conditions of fishermen, the level of children's education, and the influence of the socio-economic conditions of fishermen on the education level of children in Pelehu Village, Sub-district of Bilato, District of Gorontalo. This research used a survey method with interview techniques using a questionnaire. There were 34 respondents from 109 fishermen in Pelehu Village who were teken as a sample in this study. The sample was determined based on the purposive sampling technique that was teken from the fishermen community who had children aged 7-22 years. This research was conducted from November to December 2019. The results showed that 14 (41.18%) fidherman were categorized in the high socio-economic condition. Meanwhile, the education level of fishermen's children in Pelehu Village has the highest level of education at the SD (Elementary School) and SMP (Junior High School), which numbered as many as 34%. The influence of the Socio-economic conditions of fishermen on the level of children's education based on the Anova analysis obtained the significance value (sig.) of 0.862, and that value is > 0.05. thus, based on the results of this test, it can be concluded that the socio-economic conditions of the parents do not effect the children's education level. It means that there is an influence of socio-economic conditions on children's education, but the percentage is very low. It is proven by the results of the Model Summary, which obtained the value of 0.02%.


Fishermen's Socio-economic, Children's Education Level


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