Analisis Kandungan Merkuri pada Bivalvia di Wilayah Perairan Laut sekitar Muara Sungai Bone Bolango Kota Gorontalo

Bramantyo Setiawan, Femy M Sahami, Miftahul Khair Kadim


This study aims to analyze the mercury (Hg) content in Bivalves in the marine waters around the mouth of the Bone Bolango river, Gorontalo City. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Sampling was carried out by purposive sampling by dividing the research location into 3 stations, namely Station 1 (Estuary of the Bone Bolango River) Station 2 (Kelurahan Tanjung Kramat) Station 3 (Kelurahan Leato Utara). Measurement of mercury (Hg) content was carried out at the Center for Development and Quality Testing of Fishery Products (BPPMHP) Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province using the Atomic Absorbtin Spectrophotometer (AAS) analysis method. The results showed that there were 3 types of Bivalves found at the research site, namely Hiatula sp, Lionconcha sp, Tridacna sp. The results of the analysis of the mercury content in the Bivalvia samples found at the research location did not exceed the maximum contaminant threshold allowed for consumption with values for Station 1 ranging from 0.7022 – 0.8949 ppm, Station 2 ranging from 0.2593 – 0.3852 ppm and Station 3 ranging from 0.0998 – 0.8056 ppm.


mercury; bivalvia;contaminant threshold


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