Pengaruh Bentuk Mata Pancing Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Pancing Ulur | Effect of the shape of the hook on the catch of hand line fishing
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan bentuk mata pancing terhadap hasil tangkapan dengan alat tangkap pancing ulur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode experimental fishing yaitu dengan melakukan kegiatan operasi penangkapan ikan secara langsung di lapangan mengunakan mata pancing J hook dan Circle hook. Pengambilan Data dilakukan berdasarkan hasil tangkapan pancing ulur yang didapat dari kedua unit diambil kemudian dicatat jenis dan jumlahnya. Dari hasil penelitian terilihat bahwa perbedaan bentuk mata pancing tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap hasil tangkapan.
This study aims to determine the effect of hook shape differences on the catch in hand line fishing. with a stretching fishing gear. This research was conducted with experimental fishing operations directly in the fishing ground using two different hooks: J hook and Circle hook. Data is collected based on the catch obtained from the two units taken then recorded the type and amount. From the results of the study it was seen that differences hook shape did not significantly affect the catch.
Katakunci: Pancing ulur; J hook; Circle hook; hasil tangkapan
Keywords: Hand line; J hook; Circle hook; catch.
This study aims to determine the effect of hook shape differences on the catch in hand line fishing. with a stretching fishing gear. This research was conducted with experimental fishing operations directly in the fishing ground using two different hooks: J hook and Circle hook. Data is collected based on the catch obtained from the two units taken then recorded the type and amount. From the results of the study it was seen that differences hook shape did not significantly affect the catch.
Katakunci: Pancing ulur; J hook; Circle hook; hasil tangkapan
Keywords: Hand line; J hook; Circle hook; catch.
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