Produktivitas dan Kelayakan Usaha Bagan Rakit di Desa Bulalo | Productivity and business feasibility of raft-lift-net in Bulalo Village

Samsul Bahri Saluki, Sitti Nursinar, Alfi Sahri Baruadi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktifitas dan kelayakan usaha bagan rakit di Desa Bulalo, Kecamatan Kwandang, Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara, Provinsi Gorontalo. Analisis yang digunakan yakni analisis produktivitas dan kelayakan usaha bagan rakit. Produksi bagan rakit di Desa Bulalo mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2012 dan 2013 jika dibandingkan 2014, dimana pada tahun 2012 produksi tangkapan 2.095.172 kg, 2013 produksi tangkapan 2.138.107 kg dan tahun 2014 produksi tangkapan 1.635.933 kg. Analisis laba bagan rakit mempunyai keuntungan Rp.43.377.000/tahun, analisis RC bagan rakit 1,74 maka usaha tersebut layak dilanjutkan. Untuk analisis PP usaha bagan rakit 1,01 tahun yakni pegambilan investasi selama kurun waktu 1 tahun 8 hari. BEP produksi 11.624 kg, BEP harga Rp.2.863/kg.

This study aims to determine the productivity and business feasibility of raft-lift-net in Bulalo Village, Kwandang District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. The analysis used is the analysis of productivity and business feasibility of a raft-lift-net. Production increased in 2012 and 2013 when compared to 2014, where in 2012 the catch was 2,095,172 kg, 2013 was 2,138,107 kg and in 2014 it was 1,635,933 kg. Analysis of the profit showa that the raft-lift-net has a profit of Rp.43,377,000 / year, RC analysis of the 1.74 that indicates that the business is worth continuing. For PP analysis resulted at 1.01 year means that the investment will take 1 year and 8 days to return. Production BEP is 11,624 kg and Price BEP is Rp.2,863 / kg.

Katakunci: Produktivitas; kelayakan usaha; bagan rakit.
Keywords: Produktyivity; business feasibility; raft-lift-net.



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