Formulasi Cookies Udang Rebon | Formulation of rebon shrimp cookies
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formula cookies terpilih yang disubstitusi dengan tepung udang rebon (Mysis sp.). Penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 tahap yaitu pembuatan tepung udang rebon dan formulasi cookies udang rebon. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah konsentrasi tepung udang rebon 10%, 15% dan 20%. Analisis data yang digunakan untuk pengujian organoleptik yaitu Kruskal Wallis yang dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut Duncan, dan untuk penentuan produk terpilih dilakukan dengan uji Bayes. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa tepung udang rebon memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap rasa, aroma, tekstur, kenampakan dan warna. Cookies yang disubstitusi tepung udang rebon dengan konsentrasi 10% adalah produk terpilih.
This study aims to determine the selected cookie formula substituted with rebon shrimp flour (Mysis sp.). This research consists of 2 stages, namely making shrimp meal flour and formulation of shrimp cookies. The treatment in this study was the concentration of rebon shrimp flour 10%, 15% and 20%. Analysis for organoleptic testing is Kruskal Wallis followed by Duncan's follow-up test, and for the determination of the selected products carried out by the Bayes test. Organoleptic test results showed that rebon shrimp flour had a significant effect on taste, aroma, texture, appearance and color. Cookies substituted with rebon shrimp flour with a concentration of 10% are selected products.
Katakunci: cookies, udang rebon; Mysis sp.; organoleptik
Keywords: cookies; rebon shrimp; Mysis sp.; organoleptic
This study aims to determine the selected cookie formula substituted with rebon shrimp flour (Mysis sp.). This research consists of 2 stages, namely making shrimp meal flour and formulation of shrimp cookies. The treatment in this study was the concentration of rebon shrimp flour 10%, 15% and 20%. Analysis for organoleptic testing is Kruskal Wallis followed by Duncan's follow-up test, and for the determination of the selected products carried out by the Bayes test. Organoleptic test results showed that rebon shrimp flour had a significant effect on taste, aroma, texture, appearance and color. Cookies substituted with rebon shrimp flour with a concentration of 10% are selected products.
Katakunci: cookies, udang rebon; Mysis sp.; organoleptik
Keywords: cookies; rebon shrimp; Mysis sp.; organoleptic
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