Pengaruh Larutan Daun Teh terhadap Daya Tetas dan Kelangsungan Hidup Larva Ikan Mas | Effect of tea leaf solution on hatchability and survival of goldfish larvae

Inka Imran, Ade Muharam, Arafik Lamadi


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan larutan daun teh dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap daya tetas dan kelangsungan hidup larva umur 14 hari pada ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio). Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) empat perlakuan dengan satu perlakuan kontrol dan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menujukan bahwa nilai daya tetas telur ikan mas perlakuan A = 3g/l yaitu 77,66%, perlakuan B = 5g/l yaitu 74%, perlakuan C = 7g/l yaitu 85,33% dan perlakuan D = kontrol 61%. Sedangkan kelulusan hidup larva ikan mas, perlakuan A= 3g/l yaitu 85.27%, Perlakuan B = 5g/l yaitu 89,64%, perlakuan C = 7g/l yaitu 91,12% dan perlakuan D = kontrol 98,35. Hasil analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA) menunjukan bahwa perlkuan perendaman larutan daun teh dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap daya tetas dan kelangsungan hidup ikan mas memberiakan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap setiap perlakuan. Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian masih dalam kondisi normal untuk penetasan dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan mas.

This study aims to determine the effect of the use of tea leaf solution with different doses on hatchability and survival of 14-day-old larvae in carp (Cyprinus carpio). The research design used was an experiment using a completely randomized design (CRD) of four treatments with one control treatment and three replications. The results showed that the value of hatching goldfish treatment A = 3g / l is 77.66%, treatment B = 5g / l is 74%, treatment C = 7g / l is 85.33% and treatment D = control 61% . While the survival rate of carp larvae, treatment A = 3g / l was 85.27%, treatment B = 5g / l was 89.64%, treatment C = 7g / l was 91.12% and treatment D = control 98.35. The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the need for soaking of tea leaf solution with different doses of hatchability and survival of carp gave a very significant effect on each treatment. Water quality parameters during the study were still in normal conditions for hatching and survival of carp larvae.

Katakunci: Ikan mas; telur; larva; daun teh; daya tetas; kelangsungan hidup.
Keywords: Carp; egg; larvae; tea leaves; hatchability; life sustainability.



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