Tingkat Kontaminasi Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) di Perairan Danau Limboto

Sri Nawangsari Niode, Hasim Hasim, Faisal Kasim


The purpose of this study was to determine the content of heavy metal mercury (Hg) in the waters of Lake Limboto. This research was conducted in April – October 2016. Sampling was carried out at 5 stations, namely Station 1 (Estuary of the Biyonga River), Station 2 (Estuary of the Alopohu River), Station 3 (Floating Cages), Station 4 (non-KJA) and Station 5 (Outlets). Sampling both on the surface and the bottom of the waters is only done once. The mercury (Hg) content analysis was carried out at the Fishery Product Quality Development and Testing Laboratory (LPPMHP) of Gorontalo Province. The results showed that the mercury (Hg) content in the waters of Lake Limboto for Station 1 in the water sample taken was 0.027 mg/L, the sediment sample was 13.61 mg/L (Biyonga River estuary), for Station 2 (Alopohu River estuary), ) namely 0.013 mg/L water sample and 12.27 mg/L sediment sample, Station 3 at the Floating Cage Cultivation Location (KJA) is 0.003 mg/L water sample 8.35 mg/L sediment sample, while Station 4 at Location (non-KJA) water sample is 0.0142 mg/L sediment sample is 7.71 mg/L and for Station 5 Sungai Tapodu (Lake Outlet) is water sample is 0.016 mg/L sediment sample is 6.79 mg/L. The condition of the heavy metal content of mercury (Hg), based on the water quality standard of 0.001 mg/L and the sediment quality standard of 0.2 mg/L on average has passed the maximum limit, namely the mercury level in the water is 0.0146 mg/L (>0.001 mg/L) and the mercury content in the sediment was 9.746 mg/L (0.2 mg/L).


mercury; Hg; water; sediment; Limboto Lake


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/nj.v9i3.7799


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