Baruadi, Alfi Sahri Remi, Indonesia
VOLUME 4 NOMOR 2, JUNI 2016 - Artikel
Pengaruh Bentuk Mata Pancing Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Pancing Ulur | Effect of the shape of the hook on the catch of hand line fishing
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
VOLUME 6 NOMOR 1, MARET 2018 - Artikel
Efektivitas Alat Tangkap Cumi Totabito di Desa Lamu | Effectiveness of squid fishing gear totabito in Lamu Village
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) -
VOLUME 6 ISSUE 4 | DECEMBER 2018 - Artikel
Analysis of Capture Fisheries Business at Limboto Lake
Abstract PDF (Bahasa Indonesia)