Support Vector Machine-Radial Basis Function Kernel and K-Nearest Neighbor Differences for Classification Superior Varieties of Rice in Indonesia

Alissa Chintyana, Kertanah Kertanah, Siti Hariati Hastuti, Husnul Khotimah


Rice is the primary food source for the Indonesian population, making it a priority commodity in Indonesia. Rice production plays a significant role in Indonesia's economic development, with high-yield rice varieties being crucial for enhancing national rice output. Ensuring food security requires the selection of superior rice varieties with optimal quality. This study evaluates various high-yield rice varieties, including INPARA, INPARI, INPAGO, and HIPA, based on characteristic data collected in 2023. Machine learning algorithms, increasingly central to data analysis, were applied, leveraging labeled data suitable for supervised learning methods. During the pre-processing stage, it was determined that the data did not meet the linearity assumption. Thus the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm was modified with the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel to better handle non-linear data. Additionally, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm, a traditional method, was used for comparison. The results indicate that SVM with the RBF kernel achieved faster processing times and the accuracy value reaches 96%, nearly 10% higher than the KNN algorithm.


Classification; Superior Rice Varieties; Support Vector Machine

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