Komentar untuk artikel Savitri et al.: Implementasi algoritma genetika dalam mengestimasi kepadatan populasi jackrabbit dan coyote

Mohamad Khoirun Najib, Sri Nurdiati


This article is a commentary on research conducted by Savitri et al which was published in Jambura Journal of Biomathematics volume 3 number 1 in 2022. It was found that there was an error in the MAPE calculation for the approximation of population density of coyote. The MAPE obtained for coyotes was 66.05% so there was a significant difference from what had been given before. With these results, there is an opportunity to estimate parameters with better accuracy.


Correction; Coyote; MAPE; Lotka-Volterra

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34312/jjbm.v3i2.16857

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 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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