Scopus Citation Analysis


Export Date: May 28, 2024.

Jambura Journal of Biomathematics has been cited by articles on the Scopus database at least 23 times for 10 documents since it was published in June 2020. If accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database, this journal will have an h-index = 3.

Revitalizing Lake Limboto by Dredging Sediment in the Lake: Its Modeling, Analysis and Simulation (2020) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 1 (1), pp. 31 - 40, Cited 2 times

Effect of prey refuge and harvesting on dynamics of eco-epidemiological model with Holling type III (2021) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 3, pp. 16 - 25, Cited 2 times.

Mathematical model with fractional order derivatives for Tuberculosis taking into account its relationship with HIV/AIDS and Diabetes (2021) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 2, pp. 80 - 95, Cited 3 times

Parameters estimation of generalized richards model for covid-19 cases in indonesia using genetic algorithm (2020) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM, 1 (1), pp. 25 - 30, Cited 6 times

Analisis Dinamik Model Penyebaran COVID-19 dengan Vaksinasi (2022) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 3, pp. 29-38, Cited 1 time.

Revitalisasi Danau Limboto dengan Pengerukan Endapan di Danau: Pemodelan, Analisis, dan Simulasinya Jambura (2020) Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM), 1, Cited 1 time

Dynamics system in the SEIR- SI model of the spread of malaria with recurrence (2023) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics (JJBM), 4 (1), pp. 31 - 36, Cited 2 times

Fear Induced Dynamics on Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey System with Holling-type IV Functional Response (2022) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 3 (2), pp. 49 - 57, Cited 3 times

Mathematical analysis of sensitive parameters on the dynamical transmission of HIV-malaria co-infection (2023) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 4 (1), pp. 37 - 45, Cited 2 times

Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Lotka-Volterra Orde-Fraksional dengan Efek Allee Aditif pada Predator (2020) Jambura Journal of Biomathematics, 1, pp. 16 - 24, Cited 1 times.

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