The existence of Neimark-Sacker bifurcation on a discrete-time SIS-Epidemic model incorporating logistic growth and allee effect

Amelia Tri Rahma Sidik, Hasan S. Panigoro, Resmawan Resmawan, Emli Rahmi


This article investigates the dynamical properties of a discrete time SIS-Epidemic model incorporating logistic growth rate and Allee effect. The forward Euler discretization method is employed to obtain the discrete-time model. All possible fixed points are identified including their local dynamics. Some numerical simulations by varying the step size parameter are explored to show the analytical findings, the existence of Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, and the occurrence of period-10 and 20 orbits


Discrete time model; Epidemic model; Neimark-Sacker bifurcation; Allee effect

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Copyright (c) 2022 Amelia Tri Rahma Sidik, Hasan S. Panigoro, Resmawan Resmawan, Emli Rahmi

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 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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