Modelization Of The Development Of Child Prisoners Based On Justice
In every child, including child prisoners, the right to quality education is mandatory and guaranteed both by Resolutions and Conventions set by the United Nations and the fourth amendment of the 1945 Constitution. The process of the right to education for child prisoners is also a series of developments so that child prisoners are able to interact again with the community and are worthy of being law-abiding and responsible citizens. In order to accommodate the rights of child prisoners, of course, an appropriate model is needed in terms of coaching for child prisoners. So this study focuses on how necessary the reconstruction of prisoner development is through justice-based diversion to children. And, how is the modeling of the development of child prisoners that reflects justice for the child himself. The research method used is the normative juridical method, where the study material is sourced from the literature. The model offered is formal and non-formal education for children related to increasing self-competence where children when in the future have finished serving their sentences can return to their families and communities with their expertise.
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