Formulasi Dan Uji Stabilitas Fisik Krim Pelembab Ekstrak Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottonii)

Nur Ain Thomas, A Mu’thi Andy Suryadi, Multiani S. Latif, Ariani H. Hutuba, Sri Susanti


Seaweed is a natural ingredient which based on its mechanism of action can function as a moisturizer and skin softener. Moisturizer is one skicare cosmetic that reduces the symptoms of dry skin and smoothens rough skin. This study aims to formulate and examine the physical stability of moisturizing cream preparations. This reserch is a laboratory experimental study. The moisturizing cream is composed of three formulas with different combined concentrations of stearic acid and triethanolamine emulgators, such as F1 stearic acid (10%) and triethanolamine (2%), F2 stearic acid (15%) and triethanolamine (3%), and F3 stearic acid (20%) and triethanolamine (4%). Preparation evaluation includes organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, dispersion, and adhesion test. The Result of organoleptic test show a soft preparation and not sticky, and the homogeneity test shows a homogeneous preparation. The pH test shows that the higher the stearic acid level, the decreaswd pH level. Moreover, the viscosity test show that F1 has a slightl soft consistency, F2 is thick, and F3 has a very thick consistency. The cream disperpesion test show between 3-7 cm, which is a comfortable consistency. Another test is adhesion, which exeeds this research's expected specification. Due to the pgysical test producing a good preparation, it concludes that seaweed extract (Eucheuma cottonii) can be formulated as a moisturizing cream.


Moizturize; Cream; Stearic Acid; Triethanolamine

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