Analisis Variasi Genetik Gen L1 HPV-52 Menggunakan RFLP secara in Silico
Around the world, cervical cancer is fourth in the amount of deaths caused by cancer. The main risk factor of cervical cancer is a persistent oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. According to DNA genotyping, HPV-52 and HPV-58 were the most prevalent oncogenic HPV types in China when it came about the prevalence of HPV-related cervical cancer infections. HPVs can be classified as low risk (LR-HPV), potential high risk (pHRHPV), and high risk (HR-HPV) based on their correlation with precursor lesions and cervical cancer. The homogeneity of the L1 main capsid protein and DNA sequences is the foundation for HPV classification. Variants in genetics and mutations can be identified by in silico techniques. This study used in silico RFLP to explore the genetic variation in the L1 HPV 52 gene sequence from NCBI PopSet 378724952. DNA sequences are digested by restriction enzymes for the purpose of screening. RFLP using the Benchling facility in silico. Analyzing genetic variability with MEGA 11. The point mutation that resulted in the creation of A1 and A2 allele fragments was identified in the 5'-TCGA-3' restriction recognition site using in silico RFLP results obtained with the TaqI enzyme. The A1 allele is the result of mutations who change the A2 allele's nucleotide base. These genetic changes also impact the recognition of restriction sites and the length of DNA fragments that are released. In silico RFLP by Allele A1 estimated the variation in genetics within the Chinese population PopSet 378724952, whose percentage was 15%.
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