Gambaran Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi pada Pasien Geriatri Rawat Jalan dengan Penyakit Kardiovaskular
In Indonesia, in 2023 the geriatric population will reach 10.48% of the total population of Indonesia. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases with age. One of the pharmacological therapies used to treat cardiovascular disease is the use of antihypertensive drugs. The aim of administering antihypertensive drugs is to achieve the expected blood pressure target thereby reducing the risk of disease complications and death. The importance of using antihypertensive drugs in geriatric patients is very important to ensure the effectiveness and safety of treatment. this research aims to determine the pattern of antihypertensive drugs used in geriatric outpatients with cardiovascular disease. The data collection process was carried out for 2 months prospectively using data collection sheets at the Sehat Bersama 1 Pharmacy, Bengkulu City. The sample in this study were patients who met the study inclusion criteria. Data were obtained from prescriptions and patient medication records. Data taken includes age, diagnosis, and type of medication used. The research results showed that there were 90 geriatric patients who met the inclusion criteria. Most of the patients received a combination of antihypertensive drug classes, 63 patients. The class of drugs most commonly found is Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) class, namely amlodipine (25.0%), followed by Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) drug, namely Candesartan (21.4%), and Beta Blocker (BB), namely bisoprolol (15.9%). This research shown that most geriatric patients need combination therapy of antihypertensive drug and most of patient using Amlodipine, Candesartan and Bisoprolol. It's important to monitor the side effect and effectivity of this antihypertensive drugs especially in geriatric .
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