Students' Perceptions of The Use of Learning Media in Accounting Courses (Case Study of Economics Education Students Faculty of Economic – UNG)

Fatmawaty Damiti, Rierind Koniyo


Learning media currently has an important role in supporting the student learning process. The use of learning media now can be more varied. This study aims to determine student perceptions of the use of learning media in accounting courses for students majoring in economics education FE-UNG. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires in the form of Google Forms which are distributed to students majoring in Economics education, FE-UNG. The results of this study show the percentage results for each indicator as follows; the percentage results for the indicator for the use of instructional media were 81.3% included in the (Good) category, the percentage results for indicators of student attitudes towards the use of instructional media were 77.9% included in the (Good) category, the percentage results for indicators of the frequency of use of learning media were 74, 4% is included in the (Good) category and for the results of the percentage indicator of the benefits of using learning media of 79.1% is included in the (Good) category. For the average of the four indicators, a percentage of 78.2% is included in the (Good) category. Thus, it can be concluded that the perceptions of students of the Department of Economics Education, State University of Gorontalo towards the use of instructional media in accounting courses are in the good category.


Student Perceptions, Learning Media

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Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi

Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Indonesia


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