Academic Regeneration Modelling: Factors Influencing the Attractiveness of Young Academic Talent

Martin Yehezkiel Sianipar, Hidayatna Putri, Sengli Egani, Yerisma Welly


This research is crucial because universities need to compete to draw and keep the greatest talent for the improvement of society's growth and education. The purpose of this study is to examine how organizational culture, information technology infrastructure, and sustainability values influence the attraction of young academic talent. Young academics at Satya Terra Bhinneka University serve as the research objectives. This study employed partial least squares (PLS) analysis using the SmartPLS program. Validity and reliability of the study variables are tested initially using the outer model. Then inner model test to evaluate the impact of various study factors. The findings of this study show that organizational culture, information technology infrastructure, and sustainability values have positive and significant effect on the attraction of young academic talent.


organizational culture; the attractiveness of academic talents; information technology infrastructure; The value of sustainability.

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