Optimizing Purchasing Decisions Through Digital Marketing and Online Reviews: Consumer Trust as a Key Mediator

Yudi Nur Supriadi, Fadlan Pramudito


This research aims to explore how Digital Marketing and Online Consumer Reviews influence Purchasing Decisions, with Consumer Trust acting as a mediator in the online smartphone market in Indonesia. By surveying 326 respondents from the Jabodebatek area and applying the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, the study finds that Digital Marketing significantly affects Consumer Trust, while Online Consumer Reviews show no notable impact on Consumer Trust. However, both variables positively influence Purchasing Decisions. Additionally, the study highlights that Consumer Trust mediates the relationship between Digital Marketing and Purchasing Decisions, as well as the link between Online Consumer Reviews and Purchasing Decisions. These insights provide valuable guidance for businesses in shaping more effective marketing strategies, improving customer relationships, and boosting overall business performance in Indonesia's online smartphone market. Ultimately, this research emphasizes the importance of understanding how digital marketing and online consumer reviews affect purchasing decisions is essential, with consumer trust as the main mediator. Companies should focus on effective digital marketing, brand reputation, and building consumer trust for a successful strategy. Monitoring reviews regularly is essential to improve customer satisfaction and achieve long-term profitability.


Consumer Confidence; Digital Marketing; Online Consumer Reviews; purchase decision

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37479/jeej.v7i1.25499


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