Pengaruh Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Proses Belajar Siswa UIN Surabaya
The existence of developments in technology has had a significant impact on educational institutions. Information technology in schools has many benefits for the learning process and can influence student learning processes. With the existence of technology, this research aims to identify how technology influences the student learning process. This is an important aspect in the learning process. Therefore, in the research method the researcher used a quantitative approach in this research. Questionnaires, documentation and observation are techniques which are applied with the aim of collecting data. The research that the researcher wrote applied media in the form of a questionnaire and then disseminated using electronic media. The researcher proposed a hypothesis namely 'Information technology influences the learning process of UIN Surabaya students'. In the research results, for the testing method used, the researcher used validity, reliability and regression testing techniques. Researchers implemented analysis techniques on the data applied, namely simple linear regression. From the data that has been managed, it can be concluded that there is an influence between variable
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