The Development of Teacherpreneurs in Education: a Bibliometric Review (2000 - 2023)
Teachers need one of the competencies in this era of global disruption: teacherpreneurism. This study aims to explore the research objectives of teacherpreneurs in education from 2000 to 2023 by systematically mapping the scientific literature. This study used a bibliometric approach to map research on teacherpreneurs using data from Scopus, refined to 72 publications, and mapped using VOSviewer. The main findings are: The peak of publications is in 2021, with 13 articles. The United States is the most influential, with 11 publications and international collaborations. Most journals are ranked Q1. Key topics include entrepreneurship education, teacher entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competence, and the role of educators. These findings help identify role models, potential collaborations, and new research questions about teacherpreneurs.
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