Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Plankton in the Waters of Tomini Bay, Gorontalo City

Thomas Tammu, Femy M Sahami, Miftahul Khair Kadim


This study aims to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of plankton in the waters of Tomini Gulf, Gorontalo City and Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Sampling was carried out at three stations, namely at Leato (Station I), Molotabu (Station II) and Olele (Station III) using a plankton net with a mesh size of 25 µm which is taken horizontally at night and during the day, once a month, i.e. from the month of February to April 2018. Observations show that the daily temporal distribution of phytoplankton is more concentrated during the day on the surface of the waters, on the contrary at night zooplankton is more concentrated on the surface. Meanwhile, monthly distribution shows that plankton concentration was higher in February. Spatially, the plankton is more concentrated at Station I (near the estuary).


Plankton; spatial distribution; temporal distribution;Tomini


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