Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) terhadap Lama Pembiusan dan Pemulihan Ikan Mas Koki (Carassius auratus)

Rajib Gandi Botutihe, Yuniarti Koniyo, Hasim Hasim


This study aims to determine the best dose of lemongrass extract for anesthesia and recovery of goldfish and to determine the duration of unconsciousness and recovery of goldfish to the administration of different lemongrass extracts. The research procedure consisted of 4 stages, namely: preparation of goldfish, making crude extract of lemongrass, preliminary research, and main research. Preliminary research was conducted to obtain the dose of lemongrass extract, and the main research was to find the best dose for the process of anesthetizing goldfish. The results of the study were then analyzed using a completely randomized design with 3 replications. The results showed that the best dose of lemongrass extract was found in the treatment of 14% (290 g lemongrass extract / 2 L water x 100%) with 4.9 minutes of anesthetization process, 32.16 minutes of unconsciousness, and 9.06 minutes of recovery time. The duration of the anesthetization process for goldfish in the Control (13%) treatment was 5.33 minutes, A (13.5%) was 5.32 minutes, B (14%) was 4.92 minutes, and C (14.5%) for 4.33 minutes. The duration of unconsciousness of goldfish in the control treatment (13%) was 28.80 minutes, A (13.5%) was 28.25 minutes, B (14%) was 32.17 minutes, and C (14.5%) ) for 38.73 minutes. The length of the goldfishrecovery process in the Control (13%) treatment was 6.52 minutes, A (13.5%) for 6.93 minutes, B (14%) for 9.07 minutes, and C (14.5) %) for 10.72 minutes.


lemongrass extract; goldfish; anesthetization; recovery time


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