Pengaruh Pemberian Kuning Telur Bebek terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Lele Dumbo

Wawan Bakahi, Rully Tuiyo, Mulis Mulis


This study aims to determine the effect of duck egg yolk feed on the growth and survival of Dumbo catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fry. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) and 4 treatments with 3 replications. 72 Dumbo catfish seeds were used with an average initial length of ±0.7834 cm and an initial weight of ±0.0434 grams. Treatment dose of duck egg yolk feed: Treatment A (65 mg/l), B (75 mg/l), C (85 mg/l) and D (75 mg/l chicken egg yolk as control). The research containers were 12 aquariums with a volume capacity of 12 liters equipped with aeration. Seed length and weight were measured once a week, for 28 days. The results showed that the highest growth in length and weight was seen in treatment B of 2.166 cm and 0.312 g, D 1.879 cm and 0.242 g, C 1.864 cm and 0.204 g and the lowest growth was in treatment A 1.658 cm and 0.204 g. The highest survival of Dumbo catfish fry was found in treatment B 78%, A 72%, D 72% and the lowest in treatment C 61%. The results of the analysis of variance in length and weight of fry showed that different doses of duck egg yolks had a very significant effect with the valueof F Count length and weight of 9.6 and 64 while the value of F Table (0.01) was 7.59 and did not have a significant effect on survival.


Feed; duck egg yolk; Dumbo catfish; Clarias gariepinus; growth; survival rate


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