Penambahan Dosis Vitamin C pada Pakan Buatan dan Pertumbuhan Benih Ikan Kerapu Bebek

Syamsuddin Syamsuddin


This study aims to determine the effect of increasing the dose of vitamin C, which is different in otohime artificial-feed for the growth of duck grouper fry (Chromileptis altivelis). This study used experimental methods and completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed that the highest growth in length and weight was shown in treatment D of 1.96 cm and 4.14 g respectively, followed by treatment C of 1.87 cm and 4.12 g, followed by treatment B of 1.65 cm and 4.07, and the lowest in treatment A was 1.57 cm and 3.97 g. The results of the analysis of variance in weight of duck grouper fry showed that the addition of different vitamin C gave significantly different effects (p < 0.05), followed by the Least Significant Difference Test (BNT) obtained in each treatment was significantly different.


duck grouper fry; Chromileptisaltivelis;Vitamin C; growth


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