Effect of Plumeri acuminate Leaf Extract on Survival of Cyprinuscarpio Seedlings infected with Aeromonas hydrophyla Bacteria

Mita Alvionita, Ade Muharram, Syamsuddin Syamsuddin


This study aimed to determine the effect of frangipani leaf extract (Plumeri acuminate) with different doses on the survival of carp fish (Cyprinuscarpio) infected with Aeromonashydrophyla bacteria. This research was carried out at the Wet Laboratory of the Fish Quarantine Station, Quality and Safety Control of Fishery Products Gorontalo. This study used the RAL method with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The test method was carried out by soaking the infected carp seedlings with different doses of frangipani leaf extract to observe the survival of the seedlings. Treatment A (46.70%), Treatment B (60.00%), Treatment C (93.33%) and Treatment D (33.33%). Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed that the administration of frangipani leaf extract with different doses had a significant effect on the survival of carpseedlings between treatments. Water quality parameters during the study were in normal conditions for the life of carp seedlings.


Carp; Cyprinuscarpio; Plumeri acuminate; Aeromonashydrophyla; frangipani; leaf extract; survival.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/nj.v9i2.4530


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