
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript, authors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The manuscript should fall within the scope and subject focus of this journal.

  2. Manuscripts should be submitted in Ms. Word format with the following specifications:

    • Paper size A4 (21 cm x 21.7 cm) with page margins: Left (2 cm), top (2 cm), right (2 cm), and bottom (2 cm).
    • The manuscript should consist of 6 – 15 pages.
    • Text should be single-columned with Times New Roman font size 11, except for the title (Times New Roman font size 14) and abstract (Times New Roman font size 9).
    • Conjunctions (and, in, or, with, also, about, it, against, so, because, then, for,) and prepositions (in, to, from, to, in, by, through) should be written in lowercase.
  3. The manuscript should be formatted as follows:

    • Title (Times New Roman font size 14): Capitalize the first letter of each word and bold; 1 spacing.
    • Author's Name (Times New Roman font size 11).
    • Author's Affiliation (Times New Roman font size 11): Include the name of the institution/organization/workplace/work of the author/place of study.
    • Correspondence (Times New Roman font size 11): Contains the email address of the first author.
    • Abstract (Times New Roman font size 9): Capitalize the first letter of the first word and bold; 1 spacing. The abstract should be written in both Indonesian and English.
    • Keywords (Times New Roman font size 9): Keywords along with their content (Times New Roman font size 9) should be written in English; with 3-5 keywords.
    • Introduction (Times New Roman font size 11 and bold) along with its content (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing).
    • Research Methodology (Times New Roman font size 11 and bold) along with its content (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing).
    • Findings (Times New Roman font size 11) and its content (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing).
    • Discussion (Times New Roman font size 11 and bold) along with its content (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing). The description of findings and discussion should be made separately.
    • Conclusion and Suggestions (Times New Roman font size 11 and bold) along with its content (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing).
    • References (Times New Roman font size 11) and bibliographical sources (Times New Roman font size 11; 1 spacing). The citation sources and bibliography list should be identical. The bibliography format should adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. It is recommended to use the Mendeley application for citation and bibliography writing.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript must be original, not previously published in any scientific journal, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  2. The submission file should be in Microsoft Word format, following the author guidelines and article template. Ensure that you use Mendeley to assist with references. A guide on how to use Mendeley as a reference manager is provided.

  3. If available, the URL or DOI for each reference should be provided, and efforts should be made to use the most recent references. It should be noted that JGEJ prefers journal articles, research reports, and conference proceedings as primary references.
  4. If submitting to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, ensure that the instructions for Ensuring Blind Review have been followed.
  5. The authors agree to participate in the entire editing process until the manuscript is either accepted or rejected for publication. If authors wish to discontinue the process, they must inform the editor via email to withdraw the article.


Copyright Notice

Please find the rights and licenses in the Jambura Geo Education Journal. By submitting the article manuscript, the authors agree to this policy. No specific documents are required.

1. License

The use of the article will be governed by the  Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0  (CC BY-NC).

2. Author's Guarantee

The author guarantees that the article is original, written by the mentioned authors, not previously published, does not contain statements that violate the law, does not infringe on the rights of others, is subject to copyright fully owned by the author, free from any third-party rights, and any written permissions required to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author.

3. User Rights

The spirit of the Jambura Geo Education Journal is to distribute published articles for free. Under the  Creative Commons  license, the Jambura Geo Education Journal allows users to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. Users also need to attribute the author and Jambura Geo Education Journal to distribute the work in journals and other publication media.

4. Author's Rights

The author retains all rights to the published work, such as (but not limited to) the following rights:

Copyright and other ownership rights related to the article, such as patent rights, The right to use the substance of the article in their future works, including lectures and books, The right to reproduce the article for their own purposes, The right to make separate additional contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of the published article version (e.g., posting it to institutional repositories or publishing it in a book), with acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal (Jambura Geo Education Journal).

5. Joint Authorship

If the article is prepared jointly by more than one author, each author submitting the manuscript warrants that they have been authorized by all co-authors to agree to the copyright notice (agreement) and this license on their behalf and agree to inform them/their co-authors of the terms of this policy. Jambura Geo Education Journal is not responsible for any disputes that may arise from internal author disputes. The Jambura Geo Education Journal will only communicate with the corresponding author.

6. Royalties

Being an open-access journal and distributing articles for free under the terms of the mentioned Creative Commons license, the authors are aware that the Jambura Geo Education Journal does not grant authors royalties or other fees.

The Jambura Geo Education Journal (JGEJ) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.  



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to the review costs.

Article Publication: 2500000.00 (IDR)

This journal charges authors the following fees:

The journal imposes an Article Publication Fee (IDR 2.500,000) to support the costs of disseminating research findings through wide open access, managing various expenses related to the handling and editing of submitted manuscripts, as well as the general management and publication of the journal. Authors or their institutions are required to pay the publication fee for each accepted article. This fee covers:

  • DOI registration for each paper.
  • Similarity check of the article using Turnitin; the final report will be sent to the author (upon request).
  • Layout editing in accordance with the journal's template and standards.

However, the JGEJ Journal is committed to engaging and playing an active role in fostering scientific collaboration through the JGEJ Journal at the global level. Therefore, authors from countries outside Indonesia are not charged any fees for publishing in the JGEJ Journal