Sensitivity Analyses of The Dynamics of Covid-19 Transmission in Response to Reinfection

Nurul Qorima Putri, Paian Sianturi, Hadi Sumarno


SARS-CoV-2 brings on the pandemic known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). The Covid-19 spread model developed by Bugalia et al.(2020) has been modified in this study by incorporating reinfection and covid-19-related death during medical isolation. This model has two equilibrium points: the point of equilibrium without disease and the point of equilibrium with the disease. In addition, the equilibrium point's stability and the basic reproduction number (R0) will be discussed. A sensitivity analysis based on Covid-19 data from India was carried out to identify sensitive parameters. Lockdown's effectiveness is one of the sensitivity analysis parameters that impact changes in R0.


Covid-19; sensitivity analysis; Reinfection; Lockdown

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 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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