Analisis Kestabilan Model Predator-Prey dengan Infeksi Penyakit pada Prey dan Pemanenan Proporsional pada Predator

Siti Maisaroh, Resmawan Resmawan, Emli Rahmi


The dynamics of predator-prey model with infectious disease in prey and harvesting in predator is studied. Prey is divided into two compartments i.e the susceptible prey and the infected prey. This model has five equilibrium points namely the all population extinction point, the infected prey and predator extinction point, the infected prey extinction point, and the co-existence point. We show that all population extinction point is a saddle point and therefore this condition will never be attained, while the other equilibrium points are conditionally stable. In the end, to support analytical results, the numerical simulations are given by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.


Dynamics; Predator-prey; Infectious diseases; Harvesting

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 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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