Unethical Behavior Mediates Individual Morality And Religiosity on Fraud
This purpose of this research is how mediating unethical behavior influences an individual morality and religiosity on fraud and how the relationship between variables. This research uses quantitative research methods, where the population is employees of PT. SIM in the accounting, finance and cashier departments, with a total sample of 76 respondents using the saturated census technique. The data used are primary and secondary data taken from questionnaires and previous research literature studies and processed using SmartPLS 3.2. The results showed that individual morality affects fraud and unethical behavior, while religiosity has no effect on fraud and unethical behavior. Individual morality affects fraud through unethical behavior as mediation, while religiosity has no effect. It is hoped that PT. SIM can optimize religiosity and morals in employees to stay away from unethical behavior in accordance with the religion they profess and the morals they have gained.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37479/jeej.v7i1.25785
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