Quality Changes Of Kappaphycus alvarezii Jelly Candy Coated With Gelatin-Chitosan-Nanochitin Composites-Edible Film During Storage

Sri Rahayu Cahyani, Asri Silvana Naiu, Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf


This study aims to analyze changes in the quality of Kappaphycusalvarezii seaweed jelly candy packaged in edible film based on chitosan-nano chitin gelatin composite during storage. The research method used was a laboratory experimental method. The research stage consisted of preliminary research aimed at determining the formula for edible film gelatin-chitosan enriched with nanochitin. The main research was applying the best formulation of edible film gelatin- chitosan-nanochitin to seaweed jelly candy which was then stored for 60 days that was converted to 15 days in a climatic chamber at 40 °C and 75% humidity. The chemical characteristics tested were water content and reducing sugar content, microbiological tests including TPC and molds-yeasts and sensory characteristics were tested every 3 days. The design of data analysis used linear regression. The results of the preliminary study showed that the best edible film formula was composed of 2% gelatin, 2% chitosan and 0.2% nanochitin, which resulted in a water vapor transmission rate of 15.25 g/m2/day and has an attractive appearance. Based on the standard SNI (2008), the moisture content of jelly candy packaged in edible film gelatin-chitosan-nanochitin can be maintained until the 36th day of storage, which is 19.25%, the reducing sugar content up to the 60th day of storage is 20.5%, TPC up to 20.5%. the 60th day of storage is log 3.5 CFU/g, and the sensory quality can be maintained until the 36th day. The molds and yeasts were not visible during storage.


composites edible film; climatic chamber; sensory characteristics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37905/jfpj.v5i1.15958


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