Muchlis Hippy, Siswatiana taha


The Research aimed to knowing the effect of using different type eggs to favourite level of Tiliaya (Gorontalo traditional food), includes: texture, color, smell, taste and preference in general. The panelists used were 25 people of untrained category with range score 1 to 5. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and four replications. The treatments was P1 (chicken eggs), P2 (free-range eggs), P3 (duck eggs) and P4 (quail eggs). Data analysis used analysis of variance and continued with Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT). The result of research showed that had a significant effect (P> 0,01) to  treatments. About texture of  Tiliaya, panelists gave highest score on treatment P3 (duck eggs) with average value of 4,14. Based on color, treatment P2 (free-range chicken eggs) gets highest average score of 4,22, while treatment P1 (chicken eggs) gets the highest average value in terms of smell, taste and preference. In conclusion, using different type eggs namely chicken eggs, free-range chicken eggs, duck  eggs, and quail eggs had affect organoleptic characteristics both in terms of texture, color, smell, taste and pereference in general of Tiliaya (Gorontalo traditional food).


Organoleptic Test, Tiliaya, Type of Eggs.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.35900/jjas.v1i2.2604


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