Formulasi dan Analisis Tingkat Kesukaan serta Nilai Viskositas Sabun Gel Alami yang Menggunakan Gelatin Tulang Ikan Tuna (Thunnus albacores)

Marni Husain, Asri Silvana Naiu, Nikmawatisusanti Yusuf


This study aims to make a natural gel soap formulation and determine the effect of tuna bone gelatin (Thunnus albacores) on the level of preference and viscosity value. The treatments in this study were gelatin concentrations of 3%, 5%, and 7%. The parameters tested were hedonic organoleptic characteristics which included viscosity, aroma, impression during use, impression after use, amount of foam, and appearance which were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis, and viscosity which was analyzed using RAL (Completely Randomized Design). The treatment that gave the effect was further tested using Duncan's test. Determination of the selected product is done by Bayas test. The results of the Kruskal Wallis test showed that gelatin had a significant effect on viscosity, aroma, impression during use, impression after use, and amount of foam but had no effect on appearance. ANOVA test results showed that gelatin has a significant effect on the viscosity of natural soap gel. The results of the Bayes test showed that the F2 (5%) treatment was the chosen formula with a viscosity characteristic of 4.73, which means that the thickness of the soap gel was very favored by the panelists, the aroma was 3.93 or around the number 4 which meant that the panelists liked it, the impression when using it was 4.43 which it means that the panelists prefer the gel soap when used, the impression after using it is 4.43 which means the panelists like the gel soap after use, the amount of foam is 4.53 which means the panelists like the soap because it has foam when used, the appearance is 3.97 which means the panelists like the appearance of the soap gel.


Gelatin; fish bone; tuna; Thunnus albacores; gel soap formulation; viscosity


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