Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education


Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education is an official journal published by the Department of Pharmacy, State University of Gorontalo in collaboration with IAI (Indonesian Pharmacists Association). Articles in this journal can be accessed and downloaded online by the public (open access journal).

This journal is a national peer-reviewed journal, published three times a year on topics of excellence in research results or literature studies. This journal accepts Indonesian and English manuscripts (preferred). The following are the areas the journal pays attention to

  1. Clinical Pharmacy
  2. Community Pharmacy
  3. Pharmaceutical Technology
  4. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  5. Pharmacognosy
  6. Phytochemicals

Manuscripts selected for viewing in the Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education will be sent to reviewers who are experts in their fields, who are not associated with the same institution as the author and are selected based on the consideration of the editorial team. Manuscripts accepted for publication are libraries edited for grammar, reading, print style, and format. The entire process of submitting manuscripts to the final decision to be published online.


Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education has been indexed:









Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Published 3 (Three) Editions of Each Volume in 1 (One) year.

January, May and September editions.

Articles that will be published per edition are articles submitted at least 2 months before publication.

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Team Editor


Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Terbit 3 (Tiga) Edisi Setiap Volume dalam 1 (Satu) tahun. 

Edisi Januri, Mei, dan September. 

Artikel yang akan dipublis per-edisi adalah artikel yang disubmit minimal 2 bulan sebelum terbit.

Best Regard

Team Editor


Posted: 2021-10-22
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