EXPORT DATE: 12 August 2024
Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry is cited by articles on the Scopus database at least 5 times for 4 documents since published in February 2019. If accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database, this journal will have an h-index = 1.
Implementasi Self-Efficacy dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Kimia di Abad 21. (2019). Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry, 1(2), pp. 49-56, Cited 2 times.
Analisis Model Mental Siswa dalam Mentransformasikan Konsep Laju Reaksi Melalui Multipel Representasi. (2022). Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry, 4(1), pp. 8-12, Cited 1 times.
Analisis Miskonsepsi Materi Pereaksi Pembatas Menggunakan Tes Three Tier Multiple Choice. (2022). Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry, 4(1), pp. 51-56, Cited 1 times.
Identifikasi Kesulitan Pemahaman Konsep Larutan Penyangga Siswa di Gorontalo. (2021). Jambura Journal of Educational Chemistry, 3(2), pp. 61-65, Cited 1 times.